Tuesday, April 16, 2013

February 18th, 2013....Team Building Meeting


Whoop whoop it is time to start meeting and getting to know the team for Jamaica.. oh wait and the team for Costa Rica too!????  When I arrived at the church (and just know I know NO ONE on this trip but myself) the room starts to fill up with both the surfer dudes going on the Men only Costa Rican Mission trip and the group going to Jamaica. 

So they put us in our respective groups to talk about our own trips for a bit.  It is funny because you can tell most of the guys for Costa have went previously together and/or surf together all the time. And yes they do maybe talk a bit like surfer dudes..... just a bit.  (and yes you can surf in Jacksonville, so they tell me). 

We do introductions and then we break off into smaller groups (mixed with the Costa team) and do some short games, discussions on what TEAM is, etc...  Then we change groups and have an activity... We have to create a human machine.  Everyone on the team has to be a moving part and make some type of noise.  Our 5 person team had to create a human suitcase packing machine.  I can't really explain nor give the visuals needed but each group was pretty hilarious to watch as they all had to touch, make different noises, and get the rest of the group to guess what they were.  My team was awesome of course. :)  Of course would you expect anything less?  I mean I may be a little competitive.  ha ha.

Towards the end of the first mission meeting they explain to us how we will be in situations where we may have the opportunity to pray out loud with others.  That when this occurs we need to allow God to work through us and have confidence in this.  So of course that means partner up and pray for your partner out loud. 

UMMMMMMMMM  let's say this... ask me questions all day long about God, Jesus, the Bible, my faith.  Have a conversation with me... that is perfectly fine.  Make me pray out loud with someone and for someone else... SLAM ON THE BREAKS!

So I pray every day, at some point throughout the day.  In my car, at work, at bedtime, when I rise, when my patience is running thin, when you cut me off on the highway.... lol    But praying out loud for someone else just scares me.... makes me uncomfortable.. why?  I have no idea but it just does.  Now I have realized the 'why' is because I lacked some of the faith I needed to know that God would give me the right stuff to say and the right thing and just the right time.  I firmly believe this in all other aspects of my life not sure why I have always lacked this faith for out loud prayer with others listening.

So my partner was Ruben and we talked a little first about things we were going through, where we would like some prayer and where our own anxieties were on life in general and specific to this trip.  I have to say that talking to your partner first was a very easy transition to praying out loud for them.  So if you are EVER in doubt but want to pray for someone... I would just ask them if they mind first and then ask if anything that they would like prayers for.... the rest will come to you from God and will be 100% what is needed in the moment. 

Now this is not to say I am 100% completely comfortable praying out loud... but God doesn't want us comfortable. His disciples weren't comfortable but they were on a faith journey and so am I!  I am this little child moving forward in my faith.  Learning every day, falling down every day, getting smarter, stronger, and more faithful every day!  I want to be like this child in this picture... no fear of what is ahead as I am moving forward on faith!

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