Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Go Time

ok so I have been lacking with completely updating this but I am Jamaica bound in the morning!!!!!!!

Since the last main mission post we have had our logistics meeting and packing night.  So everything is set and ready to go, all donations in (financial and material) and now it is just getting us there! 

I know that we individually, and as a group, are going to be a part of some amazing things!  And personally I think (as always) God has perfectly made this trip be at the perfect time for me!  I just said to my best friend last night that "I think I need Jamaica much more than it needs me!"

I am so open, so raw, so ready.  Lord please bless our team and give us the right words to say, the right actions to use, and the right faith to help amazing things happen within ourselves and your people.  AMEN! 

Can't wait to get back and share with everyone!  Please pray for my team!!!!!

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